Monday, October 23, 2017

Too Old?

Grandma Moses started painting when she was 78-years old.

Jane Soeten was still playing basketball well into her 80s. [That’s her performing an under the leg dribble.]

Penny Starr Sr. is still performing burlesque in her 80s well into a 60-year career. Why? She says, “I love to dance.” This photo shows her dancing; her granddaughter has proudly picked up the sexy, vibrant baton.

My grandfather didn’t take up deer-hunting until well into his 60s.

My husband drove his first Demolition Derby at the age of 52.

Have you ever been asked to do something, or wanted to do something but thought to yourself “Nah, I’m too old to start now”?

I’ve said some variation to myself in the past, “It’s a little late to start something like this” or “Maybe if I were younger.”

Then I see people like this who live life till the very end and am reminded of a piece of advice that Wayne Dyer offered to anyone who said, “I’m too old to do that.”

He would say, “It’s not how old you are that matters, but how much living you do while you’re whatever age you are.”

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